BEcome Sponsor

Sponsoring  Glam Cosmo Beauty Pageant 2024  will enable you to build brand awareness and enhance business, consumer and VIP relationships.

Our Sponsorship Plans

Platinum Sponsor

(Maximum of 3 Sponsors)

This exclusive level of sponsorship provides the highest level of brand exposure for your company. As a platinum sponsor, your company will have the benefit of headlining our Glam Cosmo Elegance Awards 2024 with the name of “[Your Company] sponsoring Glam Cosmo Elegance Awards 2024
Sponsorship amount

  • Title partner
  • Company interview will be held –post event
  • Branding on stage back drop, venue and around the stage
  • Social media ads (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) Launch / Highlight an offering
  • 2-page publication in Magazine
  • Promotion on ticket advertising platforms such as Eventbrite etc.
  • 2 days accommodation and airport pickup (if outside the UK- additional charges apply)
  • Stage time to introduce and elaborate on the business
  • Exclusive company writeup on Glam Cosmo Social media/website
  • Option to Judge the Awards
  • Promotional materials included in our VIP bags
  • Sponsor’s name included on VIP reservation cards
  • One VIP ticket to the final event
  • Two VIP tickets to the final event
  • Press release within London and South-East

Gold Sponsor

(Maximum of 4 Sponsors)

This exclusive level of sponsorship provides the highest level of brand
exposure for your company. As a Gold sponsor, your company will have the benefit of headlining
becoming co-sponsor for  Glam Cosmo Elegance Awards 2024  with the title of “[Your Company] cosponsoring:  Glam Cosmo Elegance Awards 2024.

Sponsorship amount

  • Title partner
  • Company interview will be held –post event
  • Branding on stage back drop, venue and around the stage
  • Social media ads (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) Launch / Highlight an offering
  • 2-page publication in Magazine
  • 2 days accommodation (if outside the UK- additional charges apply)
  • Stage time to introduce and elaborate on the business
  • Promotional materials included in our VIP bags
  • One VIP ticket to the final event

Silver Sponsor

(Maximum of 5 Sponsors)

As a Silver sponsor, you will have the opportunity to gain exposure for your company through our various social
media channels, such as Facebook, Instagram, twitter etc.
Sponsorship amount

  • Company interview will be held –post event
  • Branding on stage back drop, venue and around the stage
  • Social media ads (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) Launch / Highlight an offering
  • 2 days accommodation (if outside the UK- additional charges apply)
  • One VIP ticket to the final event


(Maximum of 8 Sponsors)

Sponsorship amount

  • Promotional materials included in our VIP bags
  • Sponsor’s name included on VIP reservation cards
  • One VIP ticket to the final event
  • Branding on stage back drop

and enhance business, consumer and VIP relationships.

The key benefits of Sponsoring Glam Cosmo Elegance Awards 2024 for your business will be:

Brand Visibility

Sponsoring an event will bring your business in the limelight. This event will put your business in front of a global audience and will attract a lot of mention in the social media and press.

Lead Generation

By sponsoring  Glam Cosmo Elegance Awards 2024 , your company brand will be presented in front of a wider range of audience at one place. You get to meet your target audience and approach them all under one roof. We will also provide a list of attendees which you can use for marketing.

Business Relationships

Sponsoring this event will provide you an opportunity to meet non-competitive companies from the industry. You can also meet with a number of small and big businesses during  Glam Cosmo Elegance Awards 2024  with a potential to collaboration.

Increase Sales of Products

Sponsoring this event will provide you with an opportunity to increase your sales. You can put your products in the hands of your target audience and let them experience it. You can also pass on some free samples which will lead to increase in sales.

Content & Social Media Marketing

Sponsoring  Glam Cosmo Elegance Awards 2024  will give you a lot of content for ramping up your strategies. We will put your brand name in every possible social media platform including their event’s official website boosting your reach on social media.

Increase Company’s Perceived Image

By sponsoring a big event like ours with a wide enough base, the public perception of your business enhances and people see you as big professional and reputable business.

Meet Your Target Audience

Sponsoring  Glam Cosmo Elegance Awards 2024 will provide you with an opportunity to meet your target audience. You get to meet your target audience and approach them directly. You can see and observe their opinions and views about your product and strategise accordingly.


We will be running ad campaigns on print ads work which saves additional money that you would have spent on marketing. With event sponsorships, your target market is right there in the event itself.

Get A Good ROI

All in all, sponsoring  Glam Cosmo Elegance Awards 2024  event sponsorship gets you a solid return on investment. You get to approach your target audience, increase your sales and you get a list of leads to follow up afterwards. Moreover, it shows how active you are in the market and also you set a benchmark with your presence.

Direct mailing:

The event brandings carrying your company logo will be mailed out to the target audience.Digital flyers will be circulated through different social media. Event flyers will also be promoted to all our members and general audience through our social network.

Advertising & press releases:

• Two company interviews will be held – pre and post event.

• Online Media: The event Ads will be displayed on our online Media partner website. Advertisements
will also be carried out on some targeted third-party website.

• Brand promotion through Glam Cosmo Elegance Awards 2024 special coverage of pre- and postevent activities and special talk show.

• Online: Regular updates about the events will be updated on the dedicated Glam Cosmo Elegance Awards 2024 website. This will include event news, sponsors logo, a dedicated page for sponsors, etc.

• Social Media Networking: Promotion of the event through popular social network like Facebook,
LinkedIn, WhatsApp , Twitter, Instagram etc.

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